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PowerShell ICacls ((NEW))

The icacls syntax is actually pretty straightforward and relatively easy to learn. Basically, you use the command, then add the file or folder you want to check or manipulate, and then the permission(s) you want to add/change/delete.

PowerShell iCacls


Well, as you can see from my example above and screenshot, you certainly can use PowerShell to use the icacls command. You only need to be aware of some environment variables that need to be referenced a little differently.

The most intriguing aspect of icacls to me is the robustness of being able to script with this command complicated projects. And, again, not having to worry about the reliability of File Explorer in case it runs into an error, it crashes, things like that.

Thank you for your reply but when I run the script the note said: cacls is now deprecated, Please use icacls. The problem is when I switch to icacls there is no parameter /P user:perm . I want to change the permission for vlc folder from full control to Deny(no access)

I understand because it's old fashion tech that's why cacls retired but still working at my batch. I tried this way icacls $env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Roaming\vlc /inheritance:r /deny "$($env:USERNAME):F" if same permission as my batch icacls $env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Roaming\vlc /inheritance:r /deny "$($env:USERNAME):(OI)(CI)(F)"

There are times that a user cannot access or modify a file or folder, and one of the reasons would be a lack of user permissions on the object. The icacls command is a command line utility executed to view or modify a file or folder permissions on the Windows file system.

The icacls command can set many granular permissions in file or folder properties in the advanced security settings page. These permissions include allowing or denying specific rights, along with basic read/write permissions.

Perhaps you want to see the existing permissions on a file or folder. If so, a basic icacls command syntax command would suffice. To demonstrate, create a folder and then run icacls to view its permissions, as shown below.

icacls returns the ACL assigned to the object; in this case, the Folder folder includes all of the ACEs inside. Below, you can see that BUILTIN\Administrators and NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM user IDs have full (F) permissions with the object inheritance (OI) and container inheritance (CI).

Disable inheritance on this file with icacls by running the command below using the inheritance parameter. The command below is specifying the d argument that disables inheritance and converts inheritance to explicit permissions.

The command below grants full permission (F) to the user (user02) on mydemo folder. But since no inheritance options are specified, icacls grants full permission to the mydemo folder only. Without a specified inheritance option, the default option (OI) will be applied automatically.

I am configuring a new fileserver running on nanoserver 2016 datacenter edition. Right now i am working on a powershell script to create user folders. But I get an error when using the icacls command to set permissions.

c:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual hard disks>icacls New.vhdxNew.vhdx S-1-15-3-1024-2268835264-3721307629-241982045-173645152-1490879176-104643441-2915960892-1612460704:(R,W) NT VIRTUAL MACHINE\096C6956-D093-4E33-AE82-20A715F1E6CC:(F) BUILTIN\Administrators:(I)(F) BUILTIN\Hyper-V Administrators:(I)(F) NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(I)(F)

So I needed to remove the inheritance of a folder. Yes its easy to do with icacls, just icacls /inheritance:edr. Where E is enable, D is copy all ACEs and R removes all inherited rights.But this is about doing it with powershell.

You can use xcalcs or icacls to remove permissions at each child folder. Simply create a VBscript/Batch File/PowerShell (choose whatever you are comfortable with) to enumerate all child folders. Then call icacls/xcacls to remove Everyone from each child folder.

For icacls, you can use the indication on the current folder, like this:C:\Program Files>icACLs . /save D:\Perms.txtD:\>icACLs . /restore D:\Perms.txtThen you do not need to edit the txt file.

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